Consider a time when you thought your hotel guest experience was exceptional. What do you think to make the stay so great? Was it the music you heard when you entered the lobby? Or the friendly bellman who offered to carry your bags? Or was it the comfort and simplicity of your room’s furniture? Whatever you may have pinpointed, in some ways, contributed to making your hotel guest experience from one of satisfaction to the one you remember as exceptional.
With hotels expecting a significant increase in bookings, they must prioritize new strategies to provide guests with a pleasant and memorable stay. So here are three ways to improve hotel guest experience:
Top 3 Ways to Improve Hotel Guest Experience
Personalization is Key
For any hotel furniture project, personalization is a fantastic ways to improve guest experience in hotel. The more your team can customize a stay to meet your guest’s preferences and desires, the more welcome and appreciative he will feel.
Every chance to interact with a customer in a more personalized way will impact their overall opinion of your hotel guest experience and service. After every guest interaction, the mentioned details should be noted and shared cross-departmentally. The key to an exceptional hotel guest experience is ensuring that all departments know the same personalized information for those customers. This will significantly enhance the hotel guest experience and allow the staff to interact more confidently with each visitor, which is guaranteed to increase customer loyalty.
Pick Your Furniture Wisely
Research shows that a room’s look and feel is what customers remember the most about their guest experience. Hotel rooms are where lasting impressions are made. Therefore, space and furniture need to be carefully adapted to the needs and demands of the guests.
The opinion customers have on their guest room experience can make or break a trip, so furniture can be used to offer a quality stay that provides the comforts of home in a refined atmosphere. Also, keep in mind that choosing the most reliable, durable furniture with stain-resistant fabrics, easily replaceable parts, and modern equipment can also save money in the long run.
Guests also like rooms that feel new. Every few years, hotels can refresh their looks and feel by updating their hotel room furniture and equipment to offer the best guest room experience to their clients.
Choose Functional Design Solutions
Interior design is one of the most fundamental aspects of a hotel’s appeal. However, many hotel owners do not look beyond the aesthetic part of the design, missing another aspect that is just as valuable: functionality.
Clever and functional design is not only pleasing to the eye. It offers a great guest room experience and improves hotel operations efficiency. Clever design solutions in physical spaces and objects such as furniture can influence a significant number of details that improve the hotel guest room experience and therefore increase profitability.
The tips we shared with you are only a few; the number of innovative methods you can come up with is endless. If you can’t find the product you’re looking for on the market, there are always people and companies of hotel furniture manufacturers that are passionate about developing solutions for you – or seeing them with you. If you have any queries regarding the importance of guest experience and ways to improve the situation, get in touch with Bestar Hospitality experts today to learn more about ways to improve guest experience. With 28 years of experience, Bestar Hospitality has built up a professional team that specializes in technology, design, and management. The Bestar Hospitality team can offer you high-quality customized services you’ v ever wanted.