The very popular FF&E - or Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment - is a service used by a range of industries, across residential renovation projects, as well as commercial projects too, particularly in hospitality, retail and medical sectors. It's also one of high-quality services we offer, wherein the client benefits from the valuable expertise of an experienced professional. Whether it's putting together the perfect new office space, creating the ideal hotel getaway location, or doing your own dream home, FF&E services are a vital part of the process and has an enormous impact on the outcome. Because it's so integral, be sure to make space for it in the budget...
what is an ff&e budget? We know that a budget is an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time, meaning an FF&E budget is the anticipated amount allocated to this category within the project. The first thing to keep in mind is what the FF&E budget needs to cover. This is the expenditure on anything that's moveable, so furniture, of course, plus the beautiful accessories that bring together the whole design. The vision you have is probably based more on these things and how they will look within the space - where you'll sit, what the storage will be, how it will be decorated - which means that this is the area of the project to account for those aspects financially. Ultimately, the honest answer is that your FF&E budget can vary depending on your level of desire. It's based on what you want from it, which is why it's sensible to discuss this with a professional prior to starting out; you'll benefit from their expertise on relevant costs, if your budget is realistic, as well as ensuring the smooth running of the project logistically and financially. There's no finite answer, the right choice is simply the one that considers all of the relevant requirements in order to realise your goal.
who needs an ff&e budget? The answer to this question is the same as the answer to: who can make use of FF&E services? Ultimately, everybody can benefit from working with FF&E specialists, and if you're working on a project, it's always prudent to have a secure financial plan. If you're using FF&E (or any other) services, a budget is an integral part of the planning process and you can work with your professional and make use of their skills to determine within which region this number is going to fall. Setting an accurate and realistic budget is important because it allows the designers to understand the parameters they're working within and work with this to create the space that matches the brief most perfectly.
what is the difference between ff&e and ose? The definition of FF&E states that it consists of the moveable items in a building that have no permanent connection to the structure or utilities. This accounts for any furniture like desks, chairs, tables, beds and maps, any electronic equipment like computers or TVs, and also includes decorative objects, any artwork and drapery. OSE stands for Operating Supplies and Equipment, and this entails the supplies that are often used and replaced regularly, often daily - although note that OSE doesn't include anything that requires installation. OSE is responsible for everyday items that are depleted over time or need replenishing, such as crockery and dishware, cleaning supplies and equipment, bathroom supplies and consumable goods.
do you need an ff&e contingency budgets? Whilst a reserve FF&E budget isn't imperative, it's a very good idea. Sticking to a budget can be very challenging, particularly when the planning process often falls so far in advance - accounting for changes in your concept, the pieces you find between now and then, and any changes along the way is something that tends to happen throughout the design process as well as when on site. A good budget is flexible, and a contingency isn't necessary but is normal and can be essential for some projects.
If a reserve budget isn't on the cards, work with a professional to establish a realistic budget that you can stick to successfully.
Any project uses a lot of energy and time, and it can be a very overwhelming stressful experience. For this reason, using an FF&E service minimises the negative impact of the process and turns it into a managed, trusted and reliable experience, wherein your professionals deal with the issues and is responsible for the beautiful and functional space that results.
Naturally, this is an incredibly valuable role and budgeting appropriately is essential to success. A good budget means that the plans are stable and well thought out, and as a result, you stand to benefit from the perfect end product.